Keep Your Edge With Our Tapping Bits Sharpening Service
At Red Hed, you know you can get the best possible 100% lead-free fittings and fixtures for your water utility’s needs. But did you know that we also offer a range of services to help keep your operation running as smoothly as possible? One area we excel in is sharpening tapping bits. Our specific process helps ensure your bits are ready to go at a moment’s notice while being protected from the elements. Here’s a quick look at our process.

Because Red Hed started as a machine shop for the water utility industry, we have the capability and experience to sharpen drill bits used for tapping. Our sharpening service provides the precisely correct angle you need to get the project done quickly and neatly. We have extensive experience sharpening tapping bits for the industry’s most common brands, including the Mueller D-5/E-5, Romac Tapmate, Reed Feed Tap, DM1100, Footage Tools T752 Mini Tap XL or any drilling machines that use a saddle tap system.
However, as with all drill bits, there are some limitations. On direct tapping machine types which use a combination of drill and tap bits, we can sharpen the drill, but not the thread cutters. These machines include the Mueller B101, Romac B-Too, Reed’s TM1100 and similar machines. However, by using our service, you can buy one bit and resharpen it instead of buying a new bit every time. In general, bits will get up to 10 cuts on ductile or cast iron, though some operators may only get two or three cuts, depending on materials and technique. Because of their design, shell cutters for plastic cannot be sharpened.

When we receive a drill bit, we start by inspecting the threads. If they cannot still cut effectively, we’ll contact you to see what you want to do rather than expect you to pay for a sharpening that may not do you any good. Once the bit has been sharpened, we dip it in our signature wax, which is infused with oil to prevent rust and corrosion. Why? Once the bit is sharpened, it has raw exposed metal. The wax coating protects it, even if it sits on a shelf for a few months before you next need to use it.
The wax also protects bits that arrived without a case. It provides protection during shipping when we return it to you. With our location in New England, you know that the bit will quickly arrive at our facility once you ship it. Our location means we also have a 1-day ship point to help get it back to you just as quickly. Why spend good money on a new bit when you can save by sharpening the ones you already have available with a service so close to home?
When you work with Team Red Hed to keep your tapping bits sharp, you now that you’re getting a quality job from a company that knows how the task should be done. Whether you need sharpening service or have questions about some of our water utility products, we’re always ready to help. Please feel free to contact us today with any questions, to get a quote or to place an order.